16 minute read

April in Boston brought a refreshing change as the city emerged from the grip of winter. The weather slowly warmed, and the streets became alive with the energy of people eager to enjoy the outdoors. Cherry blossoms adorned the parks, adding bursts of color to the cityscape. It was a month of renewal, both in nature and in spirit, as Bostonians shed their winter coats and embraced the longer days. From strolling along the Charles River every day after work, there was a sense of excitement filled in the air and an astonishment that I had lived in New England for a whole four months.

On a personal level April was truly a bounce back month. With the days getting longer, I was ready to accept Boston for what it was. Though it was still a little cold for my liking there were still many things in Boston that I have yet to try thus far. Therefore this month was about making memories I wanted to remember. I wanted to put myself out there once again and remember my spring 2023 to be a fun time. To foreshadow for whats to come, it was a truly eventful month in my life. At work I had slowly and appropriatley distanced myself from my co-workers because we had experienced a huge layoff in the month of March which shed into light that you should retain a professional relationship with your co-workers and not get too friendly with them. And by closing the door to making friends at work, it only left one opportunity which was to find my way into some of Boston’s infamous college scene. And among all the people I would meet, I found myself finding a small community at the Harvard University going on several side quests during my time there. I partied a lot, met a Harvard girl I liked, and also even dived into the education within Harvard. This month helped change my perspective of my short tenure in Boston as the bounce back to happiness was real. I therefore look forward to sharing some of my stories/highlights from the month of April.

Top Three Highlights of the Month

1. Camilla & Co.

This month, I will be sharing my three interconnected highlights in sequential order, all of which unfolded in the renowned Harvard Square nestled in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Here, I had the pleasure of crossing paths with Camilla de Pourbaix. However, let me paint a clearer picture of how this unusual encounter came to be. As I’ve previously mentioned, making friends as a young adult hasn’t been the easiest feat, and even as the weather warmed up, the challenge persisted. In my February blog, which you can read here, I delved into the unconventional approach I adopted – using dating apps to forge friendships. Camilla also found herself in this unique category, and it was on the Hinge dating app that we initially connected. What set our interaction apart was Camilla’s resolute intention. Rather than seeking a romantic liaison, she candidly approached me with a request. She needed assistance with a project at Harvard, which intrigued me for two compelling reasons. Firstly, I was eager to gain insight into the Harvard education system, and secondly, I was genuinely puzzled as to why she’d approach someone like me. This prompted us to schedule a lunch meeting to delve into the details.

During this engaging lunch, I had the privilege of getting to know Camilla not just as a student, but as a multifaceted individual with a fascinating background. A foreign student hailing from the UK with a diverse European and Japanese heritage, Camilla was embarking on her second year as an English and Government major. To say she had ambitious plans would be an understatement – she envisioned pursuing her Ph.D., M.D., and J.D. before eventually deciding on a definitive path. While the veracity of this aspiration remained unverified, I was unquestionably in the presence of Harvard’s intellectual prowess. Our conversation veered from life in the UK to her dreams of someday residing on a farm, and even the unexpected origin of her interest in English studies (a rather traumatic encounter with a stern English teacher). This encounter marked my inaugural interaction with a Harvard student, an experience that left me enriched and enlightened. Their aspirations were grand, their work ethic unyielding, and their diverse stories were captivating testaments to their journey into this prestigious academic realm. However, the pressing question still lingered – why was someone of her caliber seeking my assistance?

Amidst the Spring Semester, Camilla found herself immersed in a data-driven course that required her to craft and execute an original study pertaining to Politics. She candidly admitted her lack of experience in designing experiments and her longstanding aversion to mathematics. Aware of my data science inclinations, she made an audacious request for my help. Naturally, I inquired why she hadn’t sought aid from another student. Her response shed light on the somewhat toxic climate at Harvard, where the act of seeking help was perceived as a vulnerability. In a place where many had grown accustomed to self-sufficiency, reaching out for assistance was akin to an admission of inadequacy. While I wholeheartedly disagreed with this perspective, I appreciated her honesty. As a result, I found myself drawn into her project. In essence, the study revolved around investigating whether Gerrymandering exhibited a correlation with Polarization within the House of Representatives. Despite my limited knowledge in Politics, our collaboration commenced, seamlessly merging our worlds of data science and politics. It marked the inception of an exciting journey that promised boundless exploration and discovery.

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Initial Sketches of some experiments

Assisting others has always held a special place in my heart, evoking an indescribable sense of fulfillment. Witnessing the positive impact I can make on someone’s life, no matter how seemingly small, triggers a chain reaction of positivity. The smile that dances upon their lips, the gratitude shimmering in their eyes – it’s an exchange that extends beyond words. Yet, it’s not solely about external validation; it’s an intrinsic satisfaction that warms the core of my being. Knowing that my actions have alleviated a burden or brightened a day instills in me a profound sense of purpose. It’s a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness, where a simple act of kindness ripples outward, transcending the fleeting moment. My desire to help isn’t just altruistic; it’s a source of personal joy and enrichment, infusing my journey with an unexpected sense of meaning.

In the case of Camilla, this sentiment held true. Our journey was a unique and enriching experience, magnified by my innate ambitious nature. Fortunately, my work allows me for days of thinking and problem-solving amidst the incessant coding and analysis. This flexibility enabled me to take days off (apologies, Celsius) to commute to Harvard, where we embarked on a collaborative intellectual adventure. This process unfolded over the course of April and May, culminating in a paper of which we’re incredibly proud.

Our collaboration tested not just my technical knowledge, but my ability to mentor and distill complex statistical analysis into terms understood by a liberal arts major like Camilla. Her rigorous schedule, brimming with academic pursuits, swim and dive team commitments, and club involvement, showcased our shared dedication to making this endeavor flourish.

I vividly recall an evening at a bar with my friend Lauren Takenaga, as we transitioned from leisurely drinks to an impromptu four-hour paper-writing session. Camilla’s writing was a masterpiece beyond my skills, but we synchronized our efforts to craft a remarkable rough draft. Early mornings became synonymous with reviewing Camilla’s submissions, which often arrived at the brink of dawn due to early deadlines. Juggling both her work and mine was a challenge, yet our determination saw us through.

Our final paper, a remarkable study correlating Polarization and Gerrymandering, emerged victorious despite the daunting data processing ordeal (Hiring a freelance data entry specialist proved pivotal in taming the data labyrinth). Amid the hardships, the journey remained exhilarating. The camaraderie and collaboration nurtured a blossoming friendship. Camilla opened the doors to an exclusive community, inviting me to a house party at the Quad, introducing me to new connections that will be explored further ahead. The notion of an impromptu trip to Japan, sparked by Camilla’s idea, resonated deeply with me. Disrupting my work routine (my apologies once more, Celsius) felt like an imperative, a decision that I don’t regret. Camilla’s friendship, the insights into Harvard’s academic tapestry, and the shared triumph of her paper constitute a priceless chapter in my story. The experience has seamlessly woven itself into my repertoire of cherished tales.

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Camilla & I working at the Library

2. Harvard University Formals

Having found my place among a vibrant group of friends at Harvard, I was granted numerous opportunities to immerse myself in the school’s rich culture. To my genuine surprise, Harvard boasts a remarkably lively atmosphere that brilliantly balances its rigorous academic demands. A standout week in the Harvard calendar occurs when the curtain falls on the arduous 15-week semester – the notorious Reading period. This unique stretch, leading up to finals, grants students a respite to prepare at their own pace. However, Harvard uniquely transforms this time into a series of social House formals. These Houses, reminiscent of those depicted in the world of Harry Potter, are independent entities within the university, each organizing events often funded by the school or esteemed alumni. The private school culture introduced me to an opulent display of affluence, evident in the lavish formals characterized by complimentary alcohol, elegant venues, and nights to remember. Let me briefly recount the three key events I attended during this exciting week.

But before I dive into the story, I wanted to give special recognition to Giselle and Van, the generous souls who extended invitations to these events, including several unmentioned ones that added to my Harvard experience. Responding to my desire for a more expansive social engagement in Boston, they graciously provided exactly that. To them, my heartfelt gratitude <3.

Night 1 - Melanie Volz & Ivy Formal: Kicking off the formal season, the first evening stood as a testament to understated brilliance. Though lighter on the budget, the attendees quickly became some of my favorites, if not the favorites. The collective energy exuded an infectious camaraderie, and I reveled in every moment. Ivy, it should be noted, is not a House but a social club operating on campus, lending a more relaxed air to this particular formal. My partner for this event was the remarkable Melanie Volz, a person who truly left me awestruck.

In the brief time since our acquaintance, Melanie had embraced the Harvard student like no other. A second-year student, she shared my passion for applied mathematics – an instant connection. Her academic journey had already achieved remarkable heights, with a #1 ranking in the state of New York in mathematics during high school. Coupled with her fervor for art history and a propensity for volunteering, her credentials were unparalleled. Her stellar academic performance crowned her high school valedictorian, and a simple Google her presents a litany of articles celebrating her achievements. Yet, beyond her intellectual prowess, what captivated me was her character. Melanie embodied both beauty and a captivating personality, a truly awe-inspiring human being.

Our night commenced and culminated at the Ivy House, an endless supply of libations and a complimentary sushi spread setting the tone. Despite knowing work awaited me the next day, the festivities were unstoppable. Fortunately, Fridays permitted remote work, a silver lining. That evening, I forged new bonds with fellow social club members (shoutout to Anna Dean from Arkansas), soaking in the joyful ambiance. This marked my inaugural college formal, a privilege denied during the pandemic. To relish the opportunity to dress elegantly and savor a night out was a delight. A personal highlight was the end-of-night pizza feast, shared with the newfound friends I had encountered. Little did I know, this was merely the prelude to my exhilarating three-day spree.

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Melanie & I

Night 2: Aquarium Gala:The allure of the second formal pulled us to a downtown Boston aquarium. Honestly, I can’t quite recall the name of the hosting house, but to clear things up, it was Van & Giselle’s belonging House. Giselle, along with the housing committee, put together the whole event, promising a museum-like evening, though we might debate if an aquarium qualifies as such. An interesting twist came with this formal – we needed admission tickets because of its downtown location. Luckily, Giselle got me on the guest list, showcasing once again how posh Harvard can be. This was evident not just in academics but also in the event staff – actual bouncers, capable security, and experienced caterers and bartenders. This difference between public and private schools became obvious, reminding me of students handling these roles back in my public college days.

I didn’t plan to go to this gala; a blind date showed up last minute, turning the whole thing into an unexpected yet wonderful adventure. Giselle introduced me to her high school buddy, Effy, a hardworking student at Brown University. Together, we dove into this amazing experience. While I had been to the aquarium before, this event breathed new life into it, making it even more captivating. Honestly, a regular visit there didn’t impress much, with high entrance fees and not too much to see besides the charming penguins. (You could cover the whole place in under two hours.) But this formal gave the space a fresh twist, creating a night of pure enjoyment. The weather was rainy, but our spirits weren’t dampened. The highlight of the evening was the food – Italian dishes that included a stunning pasta creation served in a gigantic mozzarella bowl. With crafted cocktails to match, it set the stage for a fantastic night. My connection with Effy grew in this friendly atmosphere, turning yet another formal event into an unforgettable memory.

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Effy & I

3. Jess

Before delving into the final formal event, I believe it’s essential to provide some context about the individual central to this month’s narrative. Jess Liang, a prominent figure in my recent experiences, merits a dedicated section in this blog. Yet, before introducing her, let me delve into what makes me feel like my life is a movie. When I arrived in Boston, the movie Good Will Hunting profoundly resonated with me, drawing parallels between its storyline and my own circumstances. This cinematic masterpiece chronicles the journey of Will Hunting, a mysterious young man from Boston whose extraordinary mathematical aptitude is uncovered by a renowned professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Despite his brilliance, Will grapples with a turbulent past characterized by an abusive upbringing and numerous brushes with the law. As he confronts the consequences of his actions, he stands at a crossroads. The film’s core lies in Will’s voyage towards self-discovery and healing, catalyzed by his relationship with therapist Sean Maguire. Through their interactions, Will gradually dismantles the emotional barriers he has erected, embracing vulnerability and forging connections. Sean’s guidance propels Will to confront his fears, come to terms with his history, and embrace the possibilities that await. Beyond Will’s intricate character, the movie delves into themes of identity, transformation, and the profound influence of human connections.

The resonation I felt with this narrative, particularly its exploration of identity, became more evident as I interacted with Jess Liang. We crossed paths serendipitously at one of Camilla’s gatherings in April. It’s worth noting that Jess rarely frequents social events, making our encounter even more remarkable. Jess stood out as an exceptional individual, much like everyone I’ve encountered during my Harvard journey. A conversation with Jess that evening revealed a striking connection between us. We shared similar experiences from our college years, both being heavily involved in multiple clubs, including her impressive dedication to Tae Kwon Do, serving as a TA, pursuing research endeavors, and harboring a shared interest in the fusion of applied mathematics and biology. Beyond her remarkable achievements, Jess exuded a warm character, and her infectious smile had a transformative impact. As the month unfolded, Jess evolved into my Skylar, a friendship reminiscent of the intricate relationship depicted in Good Will Hunting.

Throughout April, our friendship blossomed through various interactions. Jess extended an invitation to her quad formal, the culminating event of a three-day social whirlwind. A reminder of how the movie resonated with my life came as no surprise when I observed the parallel between Jess and Skylar. At the formal, we joined her Tae Kwon Do team, participating in the festivities hosted by one of Harvard’s largest houses. While not the most opulent of the formals, the event’s budget was somewhat modest compared to others, a reflection of the disparities that exist within the realm of Harvard’s social culture.

The evening’s proceedings began with a vibrant pregame session at Jess’s Tae Kwon Do friends’ apartment before we ventured to the event. An intriguing aspect of Harvard’s social scene is the relaxed age restrictions on alcohol consumption, fostering a unique atmosphere of camaraderie. The rain-soaked evening unfolded beneath a spacious tent, akin to a grand, musty rave. Amid laughter, games, and lively conversations, Jess and I reveled in the festive atmosphere. Dancing ensued for hours on end, an uninhibited display of joy and camaraderie. Although my dancing prowess left me a tad sore the following day, the memory of Jess’s radiant smile, a fitting conclusion to a series of formals that had brought newfound friendships and unforgettable experiences, lingered on.

I wish to extend heartfelt gratitude to all those who were part of this captivating week, a testament to the power of connections and the richness they bring to life’s tapestry.

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Jess & I

One thing I learned this Month

Finding Balance

Life possesses an innate ability to find its equilibrium, a sentiment I’ve not only imparted to others but also held close to my heart. Amidst the expanse of moments for introspection that Boston has offered, this notion has consistently emerged. The splendor of existence lies in its intrinsic tendency to harmonize circumstances. Transparently, the initial months in Boston didn’t align with my expectations, a discrepancy I attribute primarily to the capricious weather. Yet, even within the confines of despondency, the trajectory often shifts for the better, a truth that reverberated profoundly within me this month.

The seeds of this profound lesson were sown during my academic years. College days held instances when the weight of looming assignments felt insurmountable, yet invariably, resolutions materialized. Even when facing enigmatic challenges, time metamorphosed into an ally, unfurling the path to comprehension. While I acknowledge that this principle doesn’t universally apply, my interactions with an array of inspiring individuals have validated its essence. Collectively, we strive towards aspirations, and the diligence sown into our pursuits invariably yields its harvest. My personal quest for a meaningful social sphere attests to this truth. Though the endeavor demanded patience, the eventual culmination was a testament to the principle that life’s complexities inevitably find resolution.

Ironically, I’ve shared these very sentiments about life’s penchant for equilibrium with countless individuals. Yet, for an extended period, I remained uncertain of its resonance within my own convictions. We often emerge as our most stringent critics, a tendency that, upon introspection, unveiled the indomitable resilience etched into my character over the course of the year. Confronted by unforeseen twists, I’ve navigated the labyrinthine journey with a penchant for creative problem-solving. Steadfastly, my conviction in life’s capacity to coalesce towards our intentions has solidified. With this unshakable belief, I relish the opportunity to recount the sheer magnificence of this transformative month.

Quote of the Month

“When is revival needed? When carelessness and unconcern keep the people asleep.” - Billy Sunday


Simon Lee simonlee711@gmail.com