3 minute read

Unfortunately, this month I am breaking structure and tradition once again. July was quite the busy month for me personally but I did turn 23. Therefore I will discuss my year, and what Im looking forward to.


As I step into the age of 23, I find myself reflecting on the year that has passed. Twenty-two was, in many ways, a year of great growth and transformation. It was a time when I began to understand myself better, especially when it came to my emotions and how they shape the way I experience the world. A lot of that emotional growth came from my relationship with my ex-girlfriend, Collette. Through our time together, and even after we parted ways, I learned some invaluable lessons about love, vulnerability, and the importance of human connection. I realized that relationships, more than anything else, are what give life meaning. They have the power to uplift, challenge, and shape us in ways that nothing else can. In that sense, 22 was a year that taught me the deep significance of human relationships and how much they truly matter.

Looking ahead, I want 23 to be a year of change—a year where I focus on creating the happiness and fulfillment that I know I am capable of. I don’t just want to drift through the year; I want to be intentional about how I live it. One of the key things I want to work on is my lifestyle. Over the past year, I’ve noticed that when I neglect my well-being, it impacts not just my physical health but my mental and emotional state as well. I’ve come to realize that investing even a little more in my health can make a big difference. Whether it’s getting more exercise, eating better, or simply taking time to rest and recharge, I want to build habits that support a healthier and more balanced life.

But beyond health, I also want to focus on the quality of the interactions I have with others. In the fast pace of life, it’s easy to go through the motions of socializing without really connecting. This year, I want to prioritize making meaningful interactions. Whether it’s deepening the friendships I already have or building new ones, I want to engage with people in ways that are genuine and fulfilling. I’ve learned that it’s not about how many people you know, but about the quality of the connections you nurture. I want to surround myself with people who inspire me, challenge me, and bring joy into my life. Relationships are at the heart of happiness, and I want to make sure I’m giving mine the attention they deserve.

Another big focus for me as I turn 23 is simply to smile and laugh more. It sounds simple, but I’ve come to realize how important it is to find joy in everyday moments. Life can be stressful, and it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to enjoy the ride. But this year, I want to be more mindful of the small joys in life—the laughter shared with friends, the moments of silliness, and the simple pleasure of a smile. I want to make space for more happiness in my day-to-day life, even when things aren’t perfect. After all, it’s the little moments of joy that add up to a life well-lived.

In many ways, 23 feels like a fresh start. It’s a chance to take the lessons I’ve learned from the past year and use them to shape a life that feels more aligned with who I am and who I want to become. I’m excited about the possibilities ahead, and I’m committed to making this year one of growth, connection, and happiness. It won’t always be easy, but I know that by focusing on my lifestyle, my health, and my relationships, I can create a life that not only feels good but is filled with meaning and joy. This year is about becoming the best version of myself—one who smiles, laughs, loves, and lives fully.

Quote of the Monthly

Meow Meow Meow Meow - Cat


Simon Lee

