23 minute read

November, often dubbed the “month of giving,” ushers in a spirit of generosity and compassion that touches hearts around the world. As the year winds down and the holiday season approaches, people are naturally inclined to reach out to those in need and extend a helping hand. The essence of November lies in its reminder that there’s more to life than our individual pursuits, a time to shift our focus towards making a positive impact on the lives of others.

November’s spirit of giving encompasses a spectrum of gestures that go beyond tangible gifts. It delves into the realm of emotional support, where individuals lend a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, or words of encouragement to those grappling with personal challenges. In a world that often moves at a frantic pace, taking the time to truly connect with someone, to empathize with their struggles, and to offer genuine understanding can make an immeasurable difference. This emotional generosity creates a bond that reminds us that we’re not alone in our journey.

Acts of kindness, those seemingly small yet profoundly impactful actions, come to the forefront in November. A kind word, a smile to a stranger, or holding the door for someone can brighten a person’s day and foster a sense of shared humanity. These actions reverberate through society, cultivating a culture of compassion that reminds us to be mindful of the potential impact our actions can have on others. Each act of kindness, whether grand or minute, contributes to a collective energy that uplifts communities and reminds us of the innate goodness within humanity.

As the days grow shorter and colder, the metaphorical warmth of human compassion becomes even more palpable. It’s during this time that the need for connection and kindness is heightened. When the world outside may seem bleak, the warmth of a caring gesture, a helping hand, or an expression of empathy shines like a beacon of hope. The spirit of giving in November is a reminder that our capacity to empathize and uplift is a powerful force that can bring about positive change in an increasingly complex world. With each act of compassion, we illuminate the path towards a world characterized by harmony, empathy, and a collective dedication to making life better for one another.

Top Three Highlights of the Month

1. Thanksgiving

In the spirit of giving, this month marks the occasion of one of my favorite holidays. Even though I find myself in Switzerland as I write this, I was determined to find a way to celebrate this meaningful holiday that holds a special place in my heart. Thanksgiving is a time of introspection, serving as a gentle nudge to pause and acknowledge the small joys in life. Despite the challenges I’ve encountered during my time in Europe over the past few months, I wanted to immerse myself in a spirit of gratitude and express my appreciation for the wonderful journey this year has been thus far. However, before I delve into what I’m thankful for, I’d like to briefly share how I observed Thanksgiving while in Switzerland.

Much to my realization, Thanksgiving is an American holiday. While I didn’t have the luxury of having Thursday and Friday off like I typically did back in the States, it was important to me not to let this meaningful occasion go unnoticed. Given that I hadn’t had a break from school in months, I decided to rally some fellow friends to partake in the special day. Despite my efforts in recruiting participants, I was met with the usual responses from classmates and friends who preferred dedicating their time to studying rather than spending a few hours in an attitude of gratitude. Despite encountering a unanimous series of rejections, I was fortunate to have Kem, a friend with American ties, agree to celebrate the holiday with me. To my surprise (though not entirely unexpected), I had only dined at one restaurant throughout my stay in Switzerland up until that point. Thus, instead of seeking out a new venue, we returned to Les Brasseurs, the place where we had first met for dinner. While we may not have feasted on turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, we added our own unique twist to the holiday celebration. I recall enjoying fish and chips that evening, but what I truly valued was the sentiment behind the gathering and the willingness to commemorate this special occasion in a way that felt meaningful to me.

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Thanksgiving Dinner 2022

In this Thanksgiving post, I also wanted to reflect on what an amazing year it has been. Despite encountering numerous inconveniences and challenges during my short stay in Switzerland, I realized that my life wasn’t as bad as it might have seemed. The mere fact of being in this country on my own was something I had yearned for after nurturing a deep desire to explore the world. So, I felt compelled to take a moment to express my gratitude for the events of the past year.

This year has truly been a journey of stepping out of my comfort zone and savoring the small moments that make life beautiful. I used to take life far too seriously, but as I transitioned from college to summer and ventured into Europe, I’ve made a conscious effort to appreciate the positivity in my life, allowing myself to chuckle at the amazing year I’ve had. In comparison to my peers and friends, I felt it was unjustified for me to complain given the plethora of opportunities that came my way throughout the year. Commitment and risk-taking played pivotal roles in crafting the life I lived this past year, and I wanted to acknowledge my own efforts in that regard. Doubt did creep in at times, but overall, I felt content and contentment stemmed from the countless new experiences I embraced not only in the recent months but in the entire year leading up to them.

Moreover, I’m deeply thankful for the friendships I’ve forged this year. I used to believe my connections were confined to California, but I’ve spent a significant amount of time this year connecting with people from all corners of the globe, and they’ve found a special place in my heart. I owe gratitude to my housemates for accompanying me throughout the year, making my final year of college memorable. This year, I’ve encountered extraordinary individuals who have made me recognize the uniqueness and beauty of the world. With nearly 7 billion people inhabiting this planet, meeting so many wonderful souls has been nothing short of a pleasure. Whether through shared experiences or learning from their perspectives, these people have influenced me profoundly, catalyzing the transformative growth that has been a hallmark of this year.

Furthermore, I am thankful for the opportunities that have come my way. I can’t quite explain how I’ve been blessed with the life I lead, but I’m overwhelmingly grateful for it. This year, I’ve realized my lifelong dream of traveling extensively, immersing myself in different cultures and exploring the diverse corners of our world. The globe has transformed into my playground, and the allure of travel has forever etched itself into my soul. Additionally, I’m grateful for the enigmatic force that governs life’s intricate tapestry. During Thanksgiving, I often ponder the sheer randomness and complexity of existence; a small event can trigger a cascade of experiences. I wouldn’t trade a single moment of this life, and I’m thankful for that perspective.

Lastly, I’m grateful for the spectrum of emotions I’ve felt this year. I’ve been fortunate to have been in two relationships, experiences that have enriched my growth as a human being. Connections, attachments, and intimacy are desires I hold close to my heart, and this year, it’s been special to have encountered love. Moments when life felt surreal served as testaments to the deep intimacy I shared with people. It’s a feeling I intend to chase and nurture, and I’m elated to have been able to experience and reciprocate love not just within romantic relationships but also among all those around me. My mental state has never been better, and I’m eagerly looking forward to embracing the myriad emotions that await me on this enriching journey called life.

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Live Laugh Love

2. Josh & I’s excursion to Prague

The second highlight centers around an early trip I embarked upon with a long-time friend from high school, Josh Moon, to the enchanting city of Prague, Czech Republic. Josh and I share a history dating back to our days at Northgate High School. Our paths hadn’t crossed for several months since his last visit to celebrate my graduation. At that time, Josh was immersed in his study abroad experience in the Netherlands. Our longstanding plan to reunite while we both found ourselves on the same continent finally came to fruition. Instead of one of us venturing to the Netherlands or Switzerland, we collectively chose to rendezvous in the captivating realm of the Czech Republic.

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Josh and I’s friendship summed up in one photo

Prague, the captivating capital of the Czech Republic, seamlessly marries the allure of history with the vibrancy of modernity. With its cobblestone streets, striking Gothic and Baroque architecture, and breathtaking riverside vistas, Prague provides a captivating portal to the past. Dominating the skyline are emblematic landmarks such as Prague Castle, the world’s largest ancient castle, and the intricate Charles Bridge adorned with statues and enlivened by street artists. The beguiling charm of the Old Town Square whisks visitors away to an era long past, with medieval facades and the astronomical marvel of the Prague Astronomical Clock.

Beyond its architectural splendors, Prague pulsates with an artistic and cultural vibrancy. Art galleries, theaters, and music venues are woven into the fabric of the city, a testament to its deep-rooted artistic heritage. The grandeur of the National Theater and the intricate designs of the Municipal House stand as enduring tributes to the city’s commitment to preserving and celebrating its cultural legacy. Furthermore, Prague’s culinary scene effortlessly blends traditional Czech dishes with global influences, presenting a diverse array of options from hearty goulash to contemporary culinary creations. The city’s cozy pubs, where both locals and visitors unite over pints of renowned Czech beer, foster a sense of camaraderie and conviviality.

Prague’s allure transcends mere architecture or artistic vibrancy—it has an unparalleled ability to capture the spirit. As the Vltava River winds through the heart of the city, mirroring the surrounding architecture in its reflection, moments of serenity emerge from the bustling urban environment. Whether delving into the intricate beauty of St. Vitus Cathedral, meandering through the charming Mala Strana district, or savoring panoramic views from Petrin Hill, Prague beckons explorers to embrace its history, beauty, and the exceptional blend of old-world charm and modern allure that define this Central European gem.

Our journey into the Czech Republic began with Josh joining his school’s trip organized by the Erasmus group—an association that connects international students across European colleges. However, we eventually charted our own course, carving out a world of our own. While we did meet some of the friends he had traveled with, the essence of this trip was to catch up and relish life together. I’ve noticed that when I spend time with high school friends, I tend to revert to my younger self. While it’s not necessarily a negative thing, there’s an undeniable drop in maturity when we’re together. This phenomenon wasn’t exclusive to me but also applied to Josh. In essence, this trip allowed us to unleash a more carefree and adventurous side of ourselves. Our adventure truly unfolded when we embarked on a walking tour of Prague, joyfully acting like fools as we explored the most renowned sights in what is often heralded as the “most beautiful city in the world.” I vividly recall that Prague was considerably colder than Switzerland in November; in fact, I experienced my first European snowfall during this trip. Witnessing the pristine snowfall was invigorating, even though my wardrobe was far from prepared for the frosty conditions.

Beyond admiring Prague’s famous attractions, we embarked on a culinary journey through the city’s renowned dishes. Among the culinary novelties was a unique experience of indulging in deer meat—a delicacy I had never encountered before. While I’m not certain if this dish is exclusive to the Czech Republic, it marked the first time I had encountered such a culinary offering during my travels. The Czech Republic is also renowned for its dumplings, though they aren’t quite what one might traditionally envision. We sampled “Roast Duck With Cabbage and Dumplings,” also known as Kachna Se Zelím A Knedlíkem, a recommended dish that beautifully captures the essence of Czech cuisine. Czech dumplings, referred to as “Knedlíkem” in Czech, are soft and bread-like, often accompanying hearty dishes to absorb the rich sauces and gravies. This culinary experience provided a tangible taste of the local culture, enriching our exploration of the Czech Republic.

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Deer meat
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Dinner is served

And lastly, one of the prime highlights of the Czech Republic was its renowned nightlife—an aspect I had yearned for ever since my move to Europe. Given the apparent lack of social activity at EPFL, I felt a newfound sense of liberation knowing that I had a companion willing to join me on the European nightlife scene, if even just once. Both of us being bachelors, we embraced every opportunity that presented itself during our nights out. Interestingly, if you were to conduct a Google search on countries with the most attractive people, you would consistently find The Czech Republic ranking high on those lists—and rest assured, the accolades were well-deserved. Despite being Asians amidst a predominantly white population, Josh and I were determined not to let that hinder our enjoyment.

Among my cherished memories is an evening when Josh ingeniously managed to secure us entry into Karlovy Lázně—a nightclub famous for its five-story structure and status as one of Prague’s most sought-after destinations. Being the haunt of many Erasmus students, the club emanated diversity and vibrant energy, providing us a vibrant taste of the city’s nightlife. While we both may have ventured into the realms of flirtation and dancing, the results were less than stellar throughout our vacation. However, such endeavors weren’t our primary pursuit; what truly enriched our experience were the little moments that unfolded after a night out. As we roamed the city, our laughter echoed through the streets as we reveled in our own foolishness. Reuniting with a familiar face, the warmth of the alcohol coursing through our veins, in a country that initially projected a somewhat gloomy image, felt incredibly heartwarming. Without a doubt, this stands as one of the most defining highlights of my time here since moving to Europe—a poignant reminder of the power of friendship and shared experiences. It was truly remarkable to reconnect with Josh on this European escapade and create lasting memories that bridge time and distance.

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Nothing beats Friendship

3. Africa

Africa has always been a dream destination for me. Ever since my high school days, the rich history and exotic landscapes of Africa have held a strong allure. Therefore, I wanted to share my first-time experience exploring various areas of Morocco. I chose to travel to Morocco during the off-season, ensuring favorable weather conditions and great value for the trip. To make it easier to digest, I’ll be breaking up this post into different parts.

One of the initial misconceptions I held about Morocco and Africa at large was the notion that everywhere would resemble a “safari” environment. This, of course, turned out to be far from the truth, as certain animals simply cannot thrive in the harsh conditions of the Sahara Desert. As I arrived in Marrakech, a bustling metropolis in the western part of Morocco, I was struck by the prevalence of Islamic culture throughout northern Africa. In fact, if I were to map it out, I might even extend the region as an appendage of the Middle East. Thus, upon reaching the city, I quickly realized that encounters with elephants and lions would have to wait for another journey. Nonetheless, there was an abundance of sights to explore, and my adventure begins with about a dozen complete strangers embarking on a journey eastward across the rustic Atlas Mountains, en route to the Sahara Desert.

Day 1

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Ait Zineb

One of our initial significant stops was Ait Zineb, renowned for its captivating landscape and ancient tribal structures that have graced the screens of multiple movies. Blockbusters such as The Mummy, National Treasure, and Indiana Jones have all chosen Ait Zineb as their backdrop, radiating Tatooine Vibes reminiscent of Star Wars. Amidst the captivating scenery, an astonishing revelation was brought to light during this trip: the harmonious coexistence of Christians, Jews, and Muslims across most of Morocco. Contrary to the often tumultuous stories we encounter in the media concerning religious tensions in places like Israel, our local guide imparted to us the centuries of peaceful cohabitation among these faiths. The Timbuktu tribe (a name that might ring a bell from AP World History!) that once inhabited Ait Zineb exemplified this harmony, sharing a civil existence with the Jewish community. Remarkably, they communicated through a written language utilizing Macha spice.

Intriguing layers of history emerged as I delved deeper into the culture, notably their reverence for spices and the intricate connections between self-care and artistry. In Africa, a profound aversion to chemicals fuels the inclination to embrace nature’s bounties in their daily lives. For instance, the rejection of sunblock due to apprehensions about “foreign chemicals” influencing health is a common practice. Instead, the Moroccan people employ Saffron, often known as a culinary spice. In a twist of knowledge, I learned that Saffron doubles as a natural sunblock, especially apt for the scorching Moroccan sun. This insight lends meaning to the moniker “Blue Men,” attributed to the Saharan caravan traders due to their association with Saffron, revealing yet another layer of Morocco’s rich narrative.

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Artwork in Ait Zineb

Their resourcefulness with natural spices extends even to their artistic endeavors. Amidst a world of paints, crayons, and art supplies often laden with copious chemicals, the indigenous people of Morocco uphold their steadfast commitment to natural practices. In a departure from contemporary methods, they adopt a technique akin to watercoloring, wherein a brush dipped in water is employed to blend natural spices, serving as their unique “paint.” Among the unexpected components employed as “paints,” Macha stands out. This intriguing ingredient allows them to extract hues reminiscent of the desert’s palette. Once the creative process is complete, the artwork is subjected to an open flame, which imparts a robust permanence that resists smudging, a stark departure from the vulnerability of conventional paints and crayons when exposed to water. Every stroke in their artistry embodies a genuine connection to the earth, reflecting their holistic commitment to all things natural.

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Carol & Thomas (Singapore), Selena (Italy), Gareth (Ireland), and Pedro (Spain)

Covering a total distance of approximately 300 km over the course of four days, our guide meticulously divided the journey into several manageable segments. What truly astonished me was the journey’s ability to maintain a sense of brevity, a credit to the well-thought-out breaks that punctuated our passage. After a full day’s voyage, we arrived in the modest enclave of Tinghir. Amidst its modesty, this small “town” became a meeting point where camaraderie and connections blossomed amongst fellow travelers embarking on the same voyage. As we readied ourselves for the days ahead, bonds of friendship formed, weaving our stories together. In this shared moment, I found myself in the company of Carol and Thomas from Singapore, Selena from Italy, Gareth from Ireland, and Pedro from Spain. Evidently, their life experiences surpassed my own, with a running joke that Carol and Thomas exceeded my age by more than threefold. Yet, much like my broader European experience, engaging with these individuals enriched my journey profoundly. Amidst conversations, the theme of travel’s unparalleled value emerged, especially for young adventurers. Toasting to our newfound camaraderie, we enjoyed glasses of wine alongside Tajine, a local dish rooted in Muslim culture, and in doing so, embraced both the flavors of Morocco and the shared bond of our journey.

Day 2 & 3

Day 2 proved to be the most densely packed of our journey, as it marked our long-awaited arrival at the Sahara Desert. However, before we embarked on our desert adventure, we made a notable stop at the quaint tribal town of Toudgha El Oulia. Nestled within a canyon, this town offered a unique setting. While our exploration of the canyon’s depths was limited, we were fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the captivating scenery that lay within its walls.

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Toudgha El Oulia

A humorous anecdote from my time in the canyon revolves around the thriving barter culture that has persisted throughout Moroccan history. It’s safe to say that in Morocco, fixed prices are a rarity. Thus, mastering the art of negotiation became a skill I honed during my time in the country. Admittedly, there were some missteps along the way, and this story recounts one of those instances. In Toudgha El Oulia, I was determined to acquire a traditional jacket I had spotted. Engaging with a local vendor, we began our negotiations. However, despite our efforts, we failed to reach an agreement, and the vendor proposed that I take the jacket and continue the negotiations on my return. Here’s where things took an unexpected turn. On our way back, without any further negotiations, the vendor promptly charged me 400 Dahmers (USD 40). Not wanting to hold up the group, I found myself caught off guard, and he emerged victorious without any more negotiation—an inadvertent win for the local vendor at the expense of the tourist.

During our journey, we also made a stop at a rug store, where we encountered a vendor responsible for crafting rugs for neighboring towns across Morocco. Handmade from a range of materials including camel fur and wool, these rugs were a testament to local craftsmanship. As the visit concluded, the vendor inquired if anyone was interested in making a purchase. Having learned my lesson earlier in the day, I declined politely. However, Gareth and Selena were subjected to persistent sales tactics and ended up buying tiny rugs at staggering prices of 780 Dahmers and 1140 Dahmers respectively. Such experiences highlight the challenges of being a tourist in these regions, where navigating the commercial landscape often presents unexpected twists.

While this day held further adventures, I want to delve into our main excursion to Merzouga, nestled within the Saharan Desert. Every aspect of this journey lived up to its anticipation because Merzouga was nothing short of spectacular. Arriving in the late afternoon, we were set to journey to our desert campsite by camel. While I had previously encountered deserts in Arizona and California, there was a distinct and captivating beauty to be found in the Sahara.

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Sahara Desert by Camel

Our camel expedition extended for approximately two hours into the heart of the Sahara, and I can genuinely say that every single second was worth it. While my camel displayed a bit of unpredictable behavior—perhaps due to its pregnancy—the experience was nevertheless one of the most serene and delightful moments of my life. There’s an inexplicable beauty that unfurls when you find yourself amidst vast expanses, enveloped in silence that stretches far beyond the horizon. As we journeyed deeper into the desert, we eventually paused, taking a brief respite to witness the sun’s descent over Erg Chebbi, a renowned route within the Sahara.

The camera lens managed to capture hues that seemed almost surreal, painting a canvas of colors that defied ordinary imagination. The interplay of contrasting shades was marvelously preserved by my iPhone, showcasing nature’s artistry at its finest. Take a moment to gaze upon these breathtaking snapshots:

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Erg Chebbi, Sahara Desert

We were also fortunate enough to engage in sandboarding, an exhilarating activity that held its own kind of awe. Imagine snowboarding, but on the rippling sandy dunes of the Sahara. While there were no straps to secure your board, the natural friction between the board and the soft sand surface allowed for a perfectly controlled descent. What amazed me even more was the absence of wildlife in the Sahara. While the desert does harbor potentially lethal creatures like scorpions and snakes, the ever-fluctuating climate seemed to deter much of the usual wildlife. This meant that within the expanse of the desert, it was just us, free to explore without the typical concerns of encountering dangerous animals.

As the night drew to a close, one moment remained etched in my memory—the awe-inspiring act of stargazing in the midst of nowhere. In a place untouched by light pollution and human distractions, the sight was nothing short of spectacular. I used to view those images of the Milky Way as mere artistic embellishments, assuming they were digitally altered. But out there, amidst the solitude of the desert, I was met with a true cosmic canvas. Although the biting cold nearly reached freezing temperatures, the experience was indelible. Stargazing proved to be an incredible activity, showcasing the universe’s grandeur. And, being a city enthusiast, I realized that such sights are reserved for moments far removed from urban life. The sky was so magnificent that even my iPhone’s camera managed to capture a glimpse, a feat seemingly impossible under normal conditions.

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Night Sky

One thing I learned this Month

The World is My Playground

The world is a vast canvas painted with countless colors, textures, and experiences, and for those who choose to see it that way, it truly becomes a playground of endless possibilities. Embracing the notion that the world is your playground is an invitation to explore, learn, and create without boundaries. It’s about approaching life with a sense of wonder and curiosity, seeing every corner of the earth as an opportunity for adventure.

When the world becomes your playground, your perspective shifts. Ordinary routines and mundane tasks become opportunities for discovery. A walk through a familiar neighborhood can turn into a journey of exploration, as you notice the intricate details of architecture, the subtle changes in nature, and the interactions between people. Every moment, whether big or small, becomes a chance to engage with the world around you.

This mindset encourages you to break free from your comfort zone and embrace the unfamiliar. It’s about saying “yes” to new experiences, whether it’s trying exotic foods, learning a new language, or immersing yourself in a different culture. Traveling to new places and meeting people from diverse backgrounds becomes an integral part of your journey, as you seek to expand your horizons and broaden your understanding of the world.

The world as your playground is not just about physical exploration; it’s also about embracing your passions and talents. It’s about pursuing your interests with enthusiasm and dedicating yourself to personal growth. Whether you’re an artist, a scientist, a writer, or a musician, the world offers an abundance of inspiration and opportunities to hone your craft. Every corner of the world becomes a source of inspiration, feeding your creativity and fueling your desire to excel.

In essence, the world is a playground for those who choose to see it as such. It’s a place of boundless wonder, where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary and every moment holds the potential for joy and growth. By adopting this perspective, you infuse your life with a sense of adventure and possibility, transforming the world into your own canvas on which you can paint your unique and vibrant story.

Quote of the Monthly

“Do What Excites” - Kelly Wakasa


Simon Lee

