20 minute read

The power of now is an undeniable force that reminds us of the precious nature of the present moment. In a world dominated by constant distractions and future-oriented anxieties, embracing the power of now is an art that encourages us to fully immerse ourselves in the present, without being tethered to the regrets of the past or the uncertainties of the future. It is a lifestyle that champions living in the moment, extracting the maximum depth and richness from each passing second.

There is a certain magic to experiencing life in real-time. Some opportunities are fleeting, and their true essence can only be captured when seized immediately. The power of now invites us to fully engage with our surroundings, relationships, and activities, thereby opening ourselves up to experiences that may never come our way again. Whether it’s savoring the taste of a new dish, embracing a spontaneous adventure, or sharing an unfiltered moment with loved ones, the power of now urges us to let go of hesitation and dive headfirst into life’s vibrant tapestry.

Regret often stems from moments where we hesitated, where we held back due to fear or uncertainty. Embracing the power of now means making decisions with conviction and fully committing to them. By doing so, we eliminate the “what-ifs” and pave the way for a life marked by authenticity and fulfillment. It’s about realizing that the future is uncertain, and our past is unchangeable, but the present offers a canvas on which we can paint the strokes of our existence with vibrancy and purpose.

Adopting the power of now as a lifestyle requires a shift in perspective. It means reprogramming our minds to value the present over an elusive future. This mindset frees us from the shackles of regret, enabling us to lead a life driven by passion and spontaneity. It empowers us to create lasting memories, forge deep connections, and appreciate the beauty that exists in every fleeting moment. By living in the now, we acknowledge that life is a collection of these moments, and when we string them together, we create a life that’s as vibrant and meaningful as it can possibly be.

But why is this even worth bringing up?

In the month of September, I finally found myself with some much-needed free time after months of relentless hard work. This break was a rare luxury that prompted deep reflection on how to best utilize this newfound freedom. As the days gradually unfolded with leisure at hand, it dawned on me that there were numerous endeavors I should strive to undertake before this privilege slips away. Free time, a precious and often scarce resource, presents a distinctive window to engage in activities and pursuits that tend to be overshadowed by the hustle of daily life. It stands as a blank canvas upon which to explore passions, venture into uncharted territories, and foster personal development. Amidst the constant rush of modern existence, the value of free time lies in its capacity to empower individuals to prioritize pursuits that often take a backseat in the face of responsibilities and obligations.

Consequently, throughout this month, I seized the opportunity to immerse myself in the new environment surrounding me. Spontaneous trips were booked, leading me to discover captivating destinations across Europe. The notion that these years of proximity to such experiences were limited spurred a sense of urgency and excitement. This mindset continued to drive my actions throughout September. The month turned into an exhilarating adventure, marked by extensive travel and a fervent pursuit of unique opportunities in this unexplored continent. It is my pleasure to share a glimpse of these transformative moments with all of you.

Top Three Highlights of the Month

1. Simon in Paris

One way that brought comfort into my new life in Europe was through watching the hit show “Emily in Paris.” The series revolves around Emily Cooper, portrayed by Lily Collins, who moves from Chicago to Paris for a marketing position. Combining comedy and drama, the show captures fashion, romance, and the contrast between American and French cultures. As we follow Emily’s journey through work, friendships, and love, the series delves into the challenges of adapting to a foreign city, set against the vibrant backdrop of Paris. This show provided me solace due to its glamorous portrayal of Parisian life, trendy aesthetics, and its ability to initiate conversations about cultural disparities and the allure of global settings. These themes resonated with me, helping me realize that my initial sentiments were part of an ongoing process of adjusting to a new culture.

Moving on, this month held my own “Emily in Paris” moment, as I ventured to my most cherished city in the world. Paris, often known as the “City of Light” or the “City of Love,” occupies a special place in the hearts of many as one of the world’s most magnificent cities. Its allure is a fusion of timeless charm and contemporary dynamism. Iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral stand as symbols of its profound history and cultural importance. Whether strolling along the picturesque banks of the Seine River or wandering through charming streets adorned with cafés and boutiques, the city exudes a palpable blend of romance and artistic expression that permeates its atmosphere.

Touched Down in Switzerland
Paris Arts

Paris boasts a world-class culinary scene that celebrates exquisite cuisine, from delicate pastries to gourmet dining experiences. The city’s artistic heritage, nurtured by luminaries like Hemingway, Picasso, and Monet, continues to inspire creativity and innovation. The Parisian lifestyle embodies a balance of work and leisure, where a leisurely pace of life invites indulgence in intellectual pursuits, cultural events, and leisurely café conversations. The convergence of history, art, fashion, and gastronomy, all within an enchanting urban landscape, makes Paris an unparalleled destination that captures the hearts of travelers and dreamers from around the globe.

Before this trip, I had visited Paris on two other occasions, and I was eager to experience this visit as less of a tourist and more as an opportunity to truly appreciate the city. Notable moments from this trip included visiting new attractions such as the Catacombs of Paris, an underground ossuary containing the remains of millions of people, the ethereal Gothic beauty of Sainte-Chapelle with its stunning stained glass windows, sampling the winner of the Best Croissants in Paris competition, and simply basking in the atmosphere of random parks while listening to elegant street music. Choosing to come to Paris proved to be a wonderful decision, especially after a relatively stressful month due to housing concerns. While Paris is distinct from Lausanne, being here reinforced my appreciation for living in Europe. The European aesthetic, with its blend of historical charm and architectural elegance, is epitomized by picturesque buildings characterized by intricate details, colorful facades, and cozy windows adorned with flower boxes. From the cobblestone alleys of Paris to the architecture that resonates with centuries-old craftsmanship, the European aesthetic kindles a profound love affair with its utterly irresistible and charming buildings.

Touched Down in Switzerland
Paris Aesthetic

During my trip, there were moments when I would purchase a few beers and a crepe from a street vendor, find a spot in front of the Eiffel Tower, and simply gaze into the distance as the hours slowly passed. With every change of the hour, a minute-long light show would grace the scene, adding a touch of magic to the Parisian nights that brought me a sense of tranquility. Yet, I must admit, there were moments of profound loneliness as well. This feeling was amplified after months of being surrounded by people, and the realization that I was now often dining at restaurants by myself. Despite these occasional pangs of loneliness, my hopes remained high as I embarked on experiences like trying one of Paris’s delicacies—Escargot—at one of the city’s most renowned streets. Surprisingly, eating snails didn’t feel much different from indulging in seafood, and I had no qualms about savoring this seemingly slimy creature. After dinners, I would leisurely stroll through the cityscape, marveling at its extraordinary beauty. This elegant escapade was truly a much-needed respite, and for the most part, this trip was turning out to be a wonderful journey.

Touched Down in Switzerland
Escargot & Mussels for Dinner

This trip, though mostly wonderful, had two defining moments that stood out. The European summer weather is infamous for its unpredictable behavior—shifting abruptly from blazing sun and soaring temperatures to sudden, torrential downpours. This ever-changing climate creates an atmosphere of charming chaos, demanding locals and tourists alike to swiftly transition from beach attire to umbrellas in mere moments. One day, as I was exploring the city, a downpour suddenly disrupted my plans. It was as if the rain had decided to “rain on my parade.” Stranded far from my hostel, I found myself drenched within minutes, unsure of what to do. Fortunately, the rainstorm lasted only about 20 minutes, transforming into an elegant and beautiful scene shortly after. I decided to stick around the area to witness the sunset, though dealing with the unexpected rain was a bit of a hassle.

That same night, just as I was heading home, I found myself confronted by two unfamiliar men. As it turned out, these individuals were thieves and had their eyes on the fake “gold” chain I was wearing. Unaware of their intentions at the time, one of the men approached me, hurling a stream of American insults in my direction. Suddenly, he used his lit cigarette to burn my forearm, causing the skin to sizzle and leaving a lasting mark. This was a clever diversion tactic, as the other man swiftly snatched the chain from my neck, and they quickly fled the scene. Some onlookers, including street vendors, tried to help me afterward, and I was appreciative of their concern. While still processing the shocking encounter, I realized that the sentimental chain, a graduation gift from my friend Alex Pavy from our vintage market outing, had vanished. It left me feeling deeply saddened, adding to the scars both physical and emotional from those events. Despite this unsettling incident, the overall trip remained positive, and I cherished the opportunity to enjoy my favorite city once again. This experience taught me a valuable lesson: to avoid wearing jewelry when traveling to prevent such situations. With that, I bid farewell on a positive note, expressing gratitude to Paris and eagerly anticipating a return to its beautiful streets in the near future.

Touched Down in Switzerland
Paris 2022

2. Passing Out at Clairo’s Concert

The second highlight was a blend of positive and negative experiences, evident from the title itself. In September, I was determined not to miss Clairo, one of my favorite artists, on her European tour. However, the nearest and most affordable ticket was in Brussels, Belgium. This required intricate coordination to find the best flight given various circumstances, including accounting for a ferry ride. Although challenging, we eventually secured a 6 am flight from Geneva to Brussels, with a return journey the following morning. To tackle the early departure, I hatched the idea to sleep in the airport, marking one of several instances where I chose to rest on airport floors to streamline my travel. This was just the beginning of a long day and a series of challenges that lay ahead.

Touched Down in Switzerland
Sleeping at Geneva Airport 3:55 AM…

Once I landed in Brussels, I had a lot to explore in this captivating city. Brussels, the dynamic capital of Belgium, seamlessly blends historical grandeur with a cosmopolitan atmosphere, offering a multifaceted experience enriched by art, culture, and culinary delights. Among Brussels’ unique attractions is the Manneken Pis, a whimsical bronze statue of a little boy urinating into a fountain, symbolizing the city’s irreverent spirit. The statue boasts a collection of over 1,000 costumes, often dressed up for various occasions.

Speaking of culinary delights, Brussels is a haven for food enthusiasts. Belgian waffles, with their crispy exterior and soft interior, are a delectable treat, whether adorned with fresh fruit or drenched in rich chocolate. The city’s “frites” (fries) are renowned for their crispiness and fluffiness, perfect with an array of sauces. Chocolate, another Belgian treasure, thrives in charming chocolate shops, offering meticulously crafted pralines and truffles that reflect the country’s commitment to culinary excellence. Not to be missed is Belgian beer, deeply rooted in the nation’s culture and available in various flavors and styles, from fruity lambics to complex ales.

Before the concert, I indulged in a variety of food options that didn’t quite make up a proper meal. My day had its share of challenges, but amidst it all, I stumbled upon live music, a cherished aspect of living in Europe. At Brussels’ Grand Place, a quartet of talented musicians graced the cobblestone square with their harmonious blend of saxophone, clarinet, bass, and guitar. Their instruments created a symphony of winds and strings, with the saxophone and clarinet leading intricate melodies while the bass and guitar provided rhythm and melody. The quartet’s seamless synergy brought a new dimension of artistic expression to the historic square, captivating passersby who gathered around to listen. Amidst the architecture and energy of this European gem, their performance added a layer of cultural enchantment to the ambiance, turning the day into a better atmosphere. I even recorded two of their performances to share the beauty of their music as a group.

Now, just moments away from the concert, I had a few hours to fill before it officially began. As one of my last activities, I decided to engage in a taste-testing adventure with a flight of Belgian beers, renowned for their notable strength. Belgian beers derive their potency from historical brewing methods, including monastic practices that emphasized higher alcohol content for preservation and sustenance. Belgium’s rich beer culture and diverse styles lead to the production of strong ales and innovative brews. Distinct yeast strains, malt varieties, and bottle refermentation techniques all contribute to the creation of beers with elevated alcohol levels and intricate flavors. So, with a lack of sleep and minimal food, I embarked on this alcoholic journey, which seemed to hasten time, and before I knew it, it was concert time!

Touched Down in Switzerland
Belgian Beers

As I arrived at the concert, I was pretty tired, not just from the alcohol but also due to skipping a night’s worth of sleep. Without proper sustenance, the world around me started to spin. Having waited so long for this moment, it felt unreal that my body was breaking down just minutes before Clairo was set to perform (Not surprising at all…). As the stage seemed to blur into dizziness, I suddenly lost my vision entirely—a truly frightening experience. Collapsing to the floor, I lost consciousness for a few seconds, becoming a significant concern for those around me. Fortunately, a mysterious girl provided assistance (she remained mysterious because I couldn’t see her… Who knew how challenging life would be without vision?), guiding me to security where I was given water and checked on. After about five minutes of recovery, I mustered the strength to make my way back to the front row center, determined to watch Clairo. In the end, I didn’t faint again and thoroughly enjoyed the concert. However, the experience taught me once more that regardless of my youthful vigor, pushing through without sleep is incredibly unwise.

That night, following the concert, I returned to the airport where I managed to catch a few hours of sleep. Although it was uncomfortable resting on a few airport chairs, it underscored just how thoroughly exhausted I was from the entire trip. Upon awakening the next morning, as I was about to board the plane, I nearly lost my passport after leaving it behind at the café where I had breakfast. Talk about an absolute mess. However, I am relieved to announce that I retrieved my passport, got some well-needed rest, and felt incredibly content with the Clairo experience :D

This is a recording of “Sofia” by Clairo. An absolute banger 🔥🔥🔥

3. Attending a Hans Zimmer Concert

The last highlight of my month was attending a concert, actually the night after watching Clairo. I had to make my way to the beautiful city of Basel, Switzerland. Nestled at the crossroads of Switzerland, France, and Germany, Basel is a captivating city that exudes a unique cosmopolitan charm. With a history dating back to Roman times, the city has evolved into a dynamic hub of culture, art, and innovation. Its strategic location along the Rhine River has not only contributed to its economic significance but has also lent a picturesque backdrop to its urban landscape.

Basel’s old town, with its labyrinthine alleys, cobblestone streets, and ornate facades, offers a glimpse into its medieval past. The impressive Cathedral of Basel stands as a testament to centuries of architectural evolution, while the charming Rathaus (Town Hall) is a striking blend of Renaissance and Gothic styles. The city’s historic core is a seamless blend of the past and present, with centuries-old structures harmonizing with modern boutiques, cafes, and cultural spaces. The city’s cultural vitality is on full display through its impressive array of museums and galleries. The Kunstmuseum Basel, one of the oldest public art collections in the world, showcases an extensive range of artworks from the Middle Ages to contemporary pieces. The Fondation Beyeler, nestled in a tranquil park setting, features a remarkable collection of modern and contemporary art, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.

Basel is not only a hub for visual arts but also a center for music, theater, and literature. The city’s commitment to the performing arts is evident in its theaters and concert halls that host a diverse range of productions, from classical performances to avant-garde works. The Theater Basel, for instance, is renowned for its innovative productions that push artistic boundaries. Beyond its cultural scene, Basel offers an exceptional quality of life. Its well-maintained parks and gardens, such as the botanical gardens and the Rhine promenade, provide tranquil spaces for relaxation and recreation. The culinary scene is equally enticing, with a fusion of Swiss, French, and German influences reflected in the diverse gastronomic offerings.

Whether wandering through its historic streets, immersing oneself in its vibrant cultural scene, or enjoying the tranquil beauty of the Rhine, Basel invites visitors to explore its multifaceted identity. With a rich tapestry of history, art, and contemporary life, the city beckons travelers to uncover its hidden gems and experience the captivating blend of tradition and modernity that defines this Swiss gem.

Touched Down in Switzerland
Basel in the Sunny Rain

However, for me, I felt like I was speedrunning through the city since I would only be there for a singular day. All these features of the city were smooshed into a single day’s agenda, but since Switzerland is notoriously known to be pretty small, it wasn’t too difficult to get the entire city experience. Sometimes, instead of going through museums, which could take hours, I opted to take a walking tour around the city, experiencing not only the tourist attractions but also the tiny streets with hidden gems. One of the hidden gems I ran into in the city was near its Cathedral, where I found a violinist and keyboard street performer. Their eloquent music filled the air, creating a perfect prelude to the concert, and I deeply enjoyed this experience with the backdrop of raindrops.

Luckily, there wasn’t anything that went wrong throughout the day, and it ended up being pretty relaxed overall. As I made my way to St. Jakobshalle, the venue for the concert, my excitement grew. Tonight, we were going to see Hans Zimmer, one of my favorite composers. I often found myself listening to his music to make my life feel more intense or to wind down while studying. I’m a big fan of his work, and I was ecstatic about this concert. But first, let me share more about him:

Hans Zimmer is a world-renowned composer and music producer known for his exceptional contributions to the world of film scores and live music performances. Born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1957, Zimmer has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry through his innovative compositions and his ability to infuse emotion and depth into cinematic storytelling. His career took off in the 1980s when he collaborated with film director Ridley Scott on the score for “Rain Man,” which earned him his first Academy Award nomination. He continued to rise to prominence with his iconic scores for films like “The Lion King,” “Gladiator,” and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” His work often transcends genres, showcasing his versatility and creative prowess.

One of Zimmer’s most notable pieces is the soundtrack for “The Dark Knight,” directed by Christopher Nolan. The haunting theme for the Joker became instantly recognizable and added to the film’s intensity. Another iconic composition is the emotive score for “Inception,” which masterfully captured the dreamlike and surreal atmosphere of the film. Zimmer’s influence extends beyond traditional film scoring, as he has played a pivotal role in shaping the sound of modern cinema. His electronic-infused compositions, combined with orchestral arrangements, have redefined the way music interacts with storytelling in movies.

In addition to his work in film, Zimmer has embarked on several successful live music tours, showcasing his compositions in breathtaking and immersive experiences. Notable among these is the “Hans Zimmer Live” tour, which brought his iconic pieces to audiences around the world. His live shows feature a blend of his film scores performed by a full orchestra and a mesmerizing array of visual effects, creating a multi-sensory journey through his music. Therefore, it was an incredible opportunity for me to make my way to Basel and experience his music live.

Zimmer’s unparalleled ability to create immersive soundscapes that enhance the emotional impact of films has earned him critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. His work continues to captivate audiences and enrich the cinematic experience, making Hans Zimmer a true maestro in the realm of film composition and live music performance.

The concert itself was nothing short of amazing. The symphony’s performance brought the music to life in a way that was truly awe-inspiring. The addition of visuals from some of his most beloved works elevated the experience even further. Among the many outstanding compositions, my favorites were from “Mission: Impossible II,” “Pearl Harbor,” and “The Da Vinci Code.” It was a masterful journey through his remarkable career and a fitting conclusion to an eventful month.

Touched Down in Switzerland
Hans Zimmer Concert

One thing I learned this Month

Even When Its Dark, It’s Light

“Even if it’s dark, it’s light” embodies the deeply comforting idea that within life’s most trying and gloomy periods, there exists a steadfast resilience that refuses to be extinguished. It’s during these moments of darkness, when challenges seem insurmountable and hope appears distant, that the tiniest sparks of light become all the more potent. These sparks are the unexpected acts of kindness that bridge the gap between despair and renewed determination. They are the supportive words from a friend, the unexpected smile from a passerby, or the fleeting moments of serenity in the midst of chaos. The saying reminds us that no matter how profound our struggles, these pinpricks of light offer reassurance that we’re never truly alone.

Much like the moon, which continues to cast a soft glow even when hidden by clouds, the light in life persists in unexpected places. It may manifest as the sound of laughter in the midst of sorrow or the beauty of nature revealing itself in the midst of an urban landscape. These moments, while seemingly inconspicuous, serve as gentle reminders that life’s complexity extends beyond its challenges. They remind us to find solace in the present, to acknowledge the intricate interplay of darkness and light that shapes our journey.

In essence, even if it’s dark, it’s light beckons us to embrace the mosaic of experiences that constitute our lives. It encourages us to recognize that moments of joy, connection, and hope can arise even from the shadows. And just as the night sky is illuminated by stars that defy the black canvas, these pockets of light within our lives empower us to navigate adversity with grace, gratitude, and the unwavering belief that there is always a reason to hold onto the light, even when the world around us seems engulfed in darkness. Looking back at the challenging month of adjusting to Europe, enduring a hate crime in Paris, and even fainting at a concert, I see them as fleeting moments of pain that have transformed into compelling stories I can share. What’s even more remarkable is that these experiences have carried valuable lessons not only for me but also for my readers. Gradually, I’m embracing my identity as an adult, and though recent times have seen more stumbles than victories, it’s undeniably been an enriching and enjoyable journey!

Quote of the Monthly

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” - Aristotle


Simon Lee

