14 minute read

This month marks my #thereturn, a moment filled with nostalgia, connection, and the acknowledgment of the passage of time. Returning to Los Angeles, a city that holds both fond and challenging memories, carries a new purpose this time around. Back in February 2023, when I shared my acceptance into a Ph.D. program, I contemplated the possibility of returning to the City of Angels. Now, in September, I find myself embarking on this new chapter in Los Angeles once more.

This shift represents yet another twist in what has been a dynamic chapter in my life, one I eagerly embrace. During my previous work experiences, I realized the importance of finding a niche that aligns with my passions and values, a career I could sustainably love for decades. The idea of spending the next 40+ years doing something I’m not entirely passionate about felt daunting. Hence, the pursuit of a Ph.D. felt not only necessary but exhilarating.

Ph.D. programs are renowned for their challenges, and I believe these trials and tribulations are essential for personal growth. While many Ph.D. journeys lead to becoming a scientist, what truly draws me to this advanced degree is the emphasis on innovation. Novel approaches are paramount in a field where success hinges on publishing groundbreaking work. I aim to test my creativity in the realm of methods development and face the challenges with determination.

Beyond academia, I’m excited to embrace life as a young adult in Los Angeles, a city teeming with possibilities and endless stimulation. While I won’t delve into details here, Los Angeles offers a vibrant array of activities and experiences unmatched by many other places. Thus, I eagerly anticipate navigating life in LA and discovering more about myself during my formative years.

In the coming years, I foresee a multitude of challenges and personal growth as I work towards my career objectives. This period, marked by its lengthened stay in Los Angeles, will enable me to adapt to my surroundings and provide me with experiences I may have missed during my year of constant travel. Each month, I will continue to share my lessons and relish the journey for what it is.

In summary, September heralds another transformative chapter in my life. I eagerly anticipate my time in Los Angeles and am excited to witness the personal and professional growth that will undoubtedly accompany this unique experience.

Top Three Highlights of the Month

1. Back in The City of Stars

“We are so back.” It’s a phrase that seems to echo through the conversations of young people today, and it perfectly encapsulates my return to the vibrant city of Los Angeles. Los Angeles, I’ve come to realize, is the quintessential city for the young and the adventurous. It’s a place where boredom becomes an alien concept because there’s always something to do, something to see, and something new to explore. As I embark on this fresh journey, I’m reminded of the clean slate that awaits, ready to be filled with new experiences.

Over the past year, it feels like I’ve hit the restart button in various unfamiliar places. But here I am, back at square one, surrounded by some familiar faces that bring a comforting sense of continuity. This return to an academic environment has rekindled a sense of excitement within me. After speed running through college, I didn’t find the satisfaction I had expected in the industry. Now, I revel in the company of peers my age. In just this short month of September, I’ve already crossed paths with numerous new faces, reminding me of the ease of making connections in such an environment.

I find myself fortunate to be situated in a remarkable part of Los Angeles, graced with excellent weather and accessibility to a myriad of exciting areas. UCLA’s Westwood location is essentially nestled in the heart of Beverly Hills and Bel Air, with West Hollywood and Santa Monica practically next door. Westwood itself is a unique bubble in the sprawling city, offering an exceptional place to grow and thrive.

My initial love affair with this city dates back to the moment I watched the Academy Award-winning film “La La Land,” where the portrayal of Los Angeles left an indelible impression. The movie’s powerful message about chasing dreams struck a chord within me, making it one of my all-time favorites. Inspired by this, I’ve taken the film’s message to heart, embarking on a journey to discover and pursue my own dreams. Los Angeles is a hub for dreamers like me, a place where ambitions come to life, making it an ideal environment for personal growth and self-realization. This is where they derive the name “the city of stars”.

While I am excited to be living in Los Angeles once more, it is also fair for me to say that this will be my last stint in this city. It is most definitely not a place I want to raise a family, and I seek out a new adventure out east real soon. From my time in Boston, I’ve come to realize that seasons were sort of beautiful in its own right and while I love the California Sun, it isn’t what I exactly want forever. Therefore this last stint makes this experience ever more special because it will indeed be my last hoorah.

As I dive headfirst into this new chapter in Los Angeles, my excitement knows no bounds. I eagerly anticipate the adventures and discoveries that await, and I’m thrilled to continue sharing the myriad experiences of this incredible journey with all of you.

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Los Angeles

2. Last Days of Summer

The second highlight of the month encompasses some concluding moments from my summer. At the outset of September, I had relocated to Los Angeles after spending long-awaited quality time with my family. This was a refreshing change of pace, as I hadn’t seen them for quite some time, and it provided a brief respite before heading further south. My anticipation of returning to Los Angeles was amplified by the prospect of forging new friendships once again. Unlike previous visits, this time I had the potential to nurture a group of friends without an imminent departure. Consequently, in just a short month, I’ve begun reintegrating myself into life in Los Angeles.

One of my initial acquaintances was Lisa Lowe, who hails from Hawaii. Early September can be somewhat solitary around Westwood, given that many folks are either back home or absent for various reasons. However, this season attracts numerous graduate students and researchers to the area, and Lisa fell into this category. Having recently completed her studies at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, she planned to be a visiting researcher until December while solidifying her plans for graduate school. Hence, for the first half of this month, we spent significant time together engaging in various escapades. For instance, there was a highly anticipated “super blue moon” event, which we decided to observe one night on campus. I had a somewhat comical misconception that the moon would literally turn blue – after all, why else call it a “blue” moon? To my chagrin, the moon retained its familiar hue. Nevertheless, it was an authentic supermoon, appearing larger than I had ever witnessed. While this live experience of an astronomical event was gratifying, it also prompted me to ponder whether these celestial events are genuinely exceptional. Almost every year, NASA or its counterpart seems to announce a “unique” event, only for it to fall short of our lofty expectations. Regardless, I made a new friend in the process, so I couldn’t complain.

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Blue Moon Searching

Another highlight involving Lisa took us to Long Beach one day, where we attended a music event on a boat – often referred to as a “Booze Cruise.” I was intrigued because I had never been on such a cruise before. Lisa had a penchant for techno and house music, and this event happened to have that theme. I had an itch to visit Catalina Island, so this appeared to be a golden opportunity. Although the event was advertised as a trip around Catalina Island, I was slightly disappointed to discover that we didn’t really make it to Catalina Island at all. In reality, we cruised around the peninsula near Long Beach, which, surprisingly, was also breathtaking. Despite this deviation from the expected, it turned out to be an enjoyable night. There were tacos, libations, and music – not much more one could ask for.

The final summer highlight revolved around the people I met during my graduate orientation at UCLA. One of the reasons I cherish UCLA is its vast and diverse student population, comprising numerous characters and individuals from diverse backgrounds. I had the opportunity to meet everyone in my cohort, as well as many people from all corners of the globe who came to this esteemed institution. Furthermore, I managed to persuade many of my friends to join me at Barney’s Beanery on Tuesdays, where they host weekly trivia nights. While I like to believe that I possess a fair amount of intelligence, trivia nights occasionally humble me by revealing how little I truly know about general knowledge. Nonetheless, it fosters an exhilarating and competitive atmosphere that allows me to momentarily set aside life’s other concerns and unwind. I also found time to engage with some undergrads as well where I would hang out with Rachel Zhang who was in the middle of preparing for her big fall soroity recruitment that begins towards the end of September. Hearing her complain about the soroity culture and ettiquette was music to my ears as I found all this stuff pretty entertaining. Together we’d grab an occasional beer and just sit and talk for hours until it was just a little too late to do so.

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Late Night Talking w/ Rachel
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Trivia: Team 4th Place Please
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My new friends from China

With the conclusion of summer, it’s safe to say that it has been an extraordinarily eventful season, marking the end of a remarkable year. The realization that my eventful year is drawing to a close evokes mixed emotions, but I’m equally thrilled to embark on the final phase of my educational journey starting next month. This past year has been a remarkable blend of travel, work, and self-discovery. I’ll miss the freedom of being a free spirit, but I eagerly anticipate the adventures that await in this new chapter of life.

3. Goals for Graduate School

My return to Los Angeles is primarily driven by my pursuit of graduate school. As I embark on this new chapter, I find it worthwhile to reflect on what I hope to achieve from this academic journey, not only for future reference but also as a source of motivation.

I’ve heard time and again that a Ph.D. is an arduous undertaking. My foremost goal is to ensure that this journey doesn’t become a painful chapter in my life. Over the past year, I’ve honed my ability to navigate challenging situations effectively, reducing stress along the way. Just as athletes prioritize mental fortitude for their longevity, I believe that a Ph.D. demands a strong, focused mind. To achieve this, I aim to maintain a healthy work-life balance, something that many Ph.D. students find elusive. While it’s often seen as a solitary endeavor, I recognize the importance of seeking help from peers and advisors. Additionally, nurturing a supportive group of friends outside the academic realm will be vital for my well-being. This goal is partly inspired by the limited social interactions I experienced in college due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve learned from others that it’s possible to find success while leading a balanced life, and I aspire to emulate that.

My second goal, which should perhaps be my primary one as a typical Ph.D. student, is to discover the niche that will drive my career for the next 40-50 years. Growing up in the Bay Area, I was advised that a quantitative degree would lead to a lucrative tech job and, ostensibly, a happy life. However, I realized that monetary success didn’t equate to personal fulfillment during my time in Boston. I yearn for a career that resonates with my passions, something that genuinely excites me. While I’m content with my current state, I recognize there’s a future version of myself I aspire to become. Pursuing a Ph.D. is, in some ways, an audacious move driven by its notorious difficulty. Much like Michael Jordan, who motivated himself by creating doubters in his mind, I am fueled by a similar mindset. While I may not be a basketball legend, I share his determination to prove my doubters wrong. The satisfaction I hope to feel upon completion is a powerful motivator. In exchange, I gain the skills to conduct independent research, discover my passion, and, perhaps most impressively, earn the title of Doctor.

Lastly, I aim to continue evolving as a human being. A Ph.D. often requires sacrificing one’s early twenties, a critical phase of life. Friends who opt for different paths may achieve financial success more quickly, but I am steadfast in focusing on the long-term goal. Being in Los Angeles offers abundant opportunities for personal growth. It’s a city teeming with experiences, and I hope to develop into a person I’m proud of. While the professional training from the Ph.D. is invaluable, I equally aspire to become a better person outside academia. I acknowledge that there’s much I don’t yet know, and I’m eager to continue learning and growing. Moreover, I hope to find someone who aligns with my values and encourages mutual growth. Unlike the past year, where constant relocation hindered my personal development, I now have the opportunity to let things flourish. Los Angeles promises to be a stimulating backdrop for several years of growth, and I eagerly anticipate the journey ahead.

One thing I learned this Month

Eggs in a Single Basket Vs. Multiple Baskets

In truth, the lesson I wish to share is not something I’ve recently discovered, but rather a topic I’ve long wanted to discuss openly. The age-old adage “putting all your eggs in a single basket” conveys the idea of concentrating all your resources, efforts, or investments into one endeavor or option. It suggests taking a substantial risk, as the failure or mishap of that sole basket could result in losing everything. Conversely, in an investment context, choosing not to allocate all your assets to one option means diversifying across multiple avenues. This strategy disperses risk and enhances the likelihood of success in at least one area, even if others don’t perform as strongly. While it might lead to lower potential gains in any single endeavor, it provides a safety net and guards against catastrophic losses. Ultimately, the choice between these strategies hinges on one’s risk tolerance, objectives, and the specific circumstances at hand.

Hence, I’d like to explore whether there’s a definitive answer to the question of whether to place your eggs in one basket or many. Frankly, I tend to be someone who goes all-in on a singular endeavor. Throughout my life, I’ve recognized that I excel in various small things rather than mastering one particular skill. This realization sometimes sparked envy towards those who excelled in fields like piano or sports, having dedicated more time to them. Despite this awareness, I often find myself leaning towards committing all my resources to a single venture, even while comprehending the associated risks. When things go awry, it can be disheartening, but I’m inclined towards this approach in most aspects of my life. The allure of risk lies in its potential for both rewarding and daunting experiences. Venturing into the unknown is exhilarating by itself, and it’s a path I’m inclined to follow, given my penchant for bold moves.

On the other hand, the idea of spreading myself thin across multiple baskets isn’t as appealing to me. My perspective largely stems from personal experiences. Juggling various commitments during my college years—academic courses, work, leadership roles in clubs, and a social life—required a delicate balancing act. Each “egg” represented a facet of my life, and maintaining equilibrium was challenging, as some “eggs” inevitably carried more weight, disrupting the balance and causing stress. Nevertheless, it is undoubtedly a safer approach.

Therefore, I don’t claim to possess the definitive answer to life’s approach, but for now, I’m inclined to continue placing my eggs in a single basket. Not because I necessarily want to, but because being young allows us to make mistakes and learn from them. A failed endeavor is often a crucial learning experience, and I’m not overly concerned about the inevitability of errors. After all, no one is infallible. If you have your perspective on this debate, please feel free to share your thoughts.

Thank you for reading this month’s blog, and I eagerly anticipate the exciting adventures that lie ahead.

Quote of the Monthly

“Sometimes the wrong train takes you to the right station” - Yoon Seri


Simon Lee

