
Welcome to my page. Which more recently is a collection of random stuff, thoughts, and memories. This used to be an academic page but that has been migrated to a new one. Nowadays this is just my personal expression mood board where I can really just talk to myself and whoever reads this page. You might learn something about me or my past from this page but this is all just there to serve as a log for my future self. A lot of emotions and memories are displayed here with the ultimate goal of chasing happiness.

Brief Introduction

Hello, my name is Simon Lee. I am a boy trying to figure out my place in the world. I just try a whole bunch of things hoping that it sticks, and the truth is I have no idea what I am doing or where I am going. However, I have a current passion and I am going as deep as it will take me. At the very least, I know I am giving it my best, and that is sometimes all I can ask for.

© 2024 Simon Lee. All rights reserved.

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The August Review

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